疫苗表格中的Tdap Vaccine在中国不提供,填表格的时候可以先填N/A,之后在网页左边List Messages中发信息给School Nurse,说明中国没有此项疫苗,之后到学校补打。 体检和打疫苗当天需要带上TB test表格,疫苗表格,过往疫苗接种记录,护照或身份证,两寸照片 (最好也带上I20,有些体检中心会免去体检费用)。 如果之前读美...
Even California-based applicants need to have pristine academic transcripts and other compelling attributes, as there is no in-state advantage at this institution. UCSD (UC San Diego) Acceptance Rate 2024 – Final Thoughts All students applying to UCSD need to make sure that they formulate an ...
Unique to UC campus application cycles, hopefuls from out-of-state or in California arenot requiredto submit letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, or official transcripts. The first two items will not be considered, and students are only asked to submit official copies of their tra...
This means that you have more chances than you think to improve your ACT score. To try to aim for the school's ACT requirement of 33 and above, you should try to take the ACT as many times as you can. When you have the final score that you're happy with, you can then send only...