UCSD并不在圣迭戈市中心,而是坐落于拉荷亚(La Jolla)小镇,一个圣迭戈西北面的富人区和度假胜地。如果要问全加州最贵的居住地,那么La Jolla(拉荷亚)一定榜上有名。La Jolla 是西班牙名,意思是珠宝,地处圣迭戈三大海滩北边。 加州是美国经济最发达的一个州,GDP总量占全美六分之一。可以这么说,除了金融去纽约、航...
Map Overview of Preuss School UCSD Located on the University of California—San Diego campus, The Preuss School aims to prepare low-income students for college. Many Preuss School students become the first in their families to attend a four-year university. The Preuss Schoo...
Dr. Peter Scheiffele is a professor at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, where his group studies the molecular mechanisms underlying formation of neuronal circuits both in health and diseases such as autism. Dr. Scheiffele’s pioneering work on how trans-synaptic signals such as neuroligin an...