Graduate Housing Plan 就是 UCSD 最贴心最人性化的计划之一,就是专门给研究生设计的廉租房,相较于 La Jolla 地区一般学生公寓和本科生Housing Plan的价格,是占有绝对的优势的。 Graduate Housing Plan 价位设计为 600-1300 刀/月/人 之间,并且每个学生都可以拥有自己房间。同样价位的房间在 San Diego 地区通常要...
我第一个面试是UMass,之后其他on campus visit大同小异,都是一个模式:周四晚上到,晚上项目会组织graduate students和interviewees的聚餐;第二天早上有orientation,chair和committee member会介绍一下项目的总体情况(环境、软硬实力、培养方案、津贴),紧接着就是马不停蹄的面试。每个interviewee会有一个host student,最...
Due to the higher cost of glass bottle, I assume 60 percent of bottles are made by plastic, while 20 percent are glass bottles, which means we use 1.5 million plastic bottles and about half million glass bottles every day. To make the result more accurate, I need the exact population, a...