2. 进入页面之后在最上面Advising & Grades那一栏中选择Degree Audit。3. 点击深蓝色的框Run Audit,...
CSE ElectivesWI08 CSE 107 4.0 A- SP07 CSE 125 4.0 A FA06 CSE 167 4.0 A+ WI07 CSE 169 4.0 A+College RequirementsWARREN SPECIAL TRANSFER GE TAG has been Completed1) 2 UD Noncontiguous Reqmt for Engineering MajorFA06 HITO133 4.0 B S106 VIS 194 4.0 B-University RequirementsDegree and ...
courses taken prior to being dropped from the program may not apply towards the degree.有两点不知...
INI隶属于工程学院Carnegie Institute of Technology,主要有三个培养方向,即MSIS(M.S. in Information...