Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets, - todos · ucscGenomeBrowser/cellBrowser@728445d
After you have all of these files in place, go to the directory go to the directory containing all of these files and run the following command to copy a sample cellbrowser.conf into your current directory: cbBuild --init This sample cellbrowser.conf includes the required settings plus som...
Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets, - cellBrowser/docs/tutorial.rst at develop · ucscGenomeBrowser/cellBrowser
Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets, - ucscGenomeBrowser/cellBrowser
Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets, - cellBrowser/todo.txt at develop · ucscGenomeBrowser/cellBrowser
main repo: - Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets, - maximilianh/cellBrowser
Replace "quakePancreas" above with the dataset name of interest, it is shown in the URL when you open a dataset after "ds=" or in the download instructions or on the dataset page as the "CellBrowser dataset identifier". Then open your favorite tool (e.g. RStudio or Jupyter) and follo...
rsync -Lavzp ./pbmc3kCellranger/ --progress Next, run cbImportCellranger to convert the cellranger files into something that can be used to build a cell browser: cbImportCellranger -i pbmc3kCellranger -o cellrangerOut --name pbm...
CNV 支持待增加 CCLE 数据集支持待增加 我发现 LUAD KRAS 高低表达的生存差异与我之前的 post 相去甚远,这是数据问题还是代码问题? @longfei8533 你有空 check 下? 正在检查修改...
packages('remotes') remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/UCSCXenaTools") Data Hub List All datasets are available at Currently, UCSCXenaTools supports 10 data hubs of UCSC Xena. UCSC Public Hub: TCGA Hub: https://tcga....