Note: If you are going to have many VMs added to the OpenShift cluster, then AA06-OCP-EthAdapter-16RXQs-5G adapter policy with MTU set to 1500 can be used for AA06-VMMgmt-vNIC template as well. This will provide more receive and transmit queues to the vNIC that carries the Virtual...
UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/aggr-interface/br-interface # create mon-src . Example: The following example shows how to modify a Ethernet uplink port as a monitor source in breakout port 1 of the aggregate (main) interfa...
and C240 M3 rack-mount servers Cisco UCS 6296 fabric interconnect Cisco UCS B200 M3 blade server Cisco VIC 1280 adapter card Nexus 2232 Fabric Extender UCS-CPU-E78837 UCSB-MLOM-40G-01 on the B200 M3 UCSB-MLOM-PT-01 on the B200 M3 ucs-catalog.2.0.2g.T.bin UCS-MR-2X164RX-D ucs-ca...
When trying to configure an FC uplink or VSAN as an FC traffic monitoring source, an error message appears stating “Error creating mon-src-mysession. FC Port (1/29) cannot be configured as ingress SPAN source due to hardware limitation.” This only happens on Cisco UCS 6200 Fabric Interco...
The detailed or brief tech-support command shows the chassis segment norxack count is high and increasing (hundreds or thousands depending on IOM uptime). This high rate of i2c access errors shows that the IOM is not backing off of the shared I2C bus for the required amount of time. As ...