Solved: Hi, We are replacing UCS-C240-M3 (EOL) to UCS-C240-M5(BE7M-M5-K9). Our Current Setup is on UCS-C240-M3, as mentioned below. Host 1 CUCM PUB CUCM SUB1 CUCM SUB 2 CUC SUB Host 2 CUCM SUB 3 CUCM SUB 4 CUCM SUB 5 CUC PUB We have...
CiscoConfidential 4 ©2010Ciscoand/oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved.CiscoConfidential 5 ©2010Ciscoand/oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved.CiscoConfidential 6 UCS独特优势,为虚拟化进行的优化 VM-FEX,保证了对虚拟化环境下的管理同时提高了性能 让虚拟机的流量对网络可见,提高管理性和安全性服务器更高的IO带宽...
6100 and 2100 UCS 6000 Series Fabric Interconnects Unified Computing Market Leading Platforms Product Features and Specs UCS 6120XP UCS 6140XP UCS 6248UP UCS 6296UP Switch Fabric Throughput 520 Gbps 1.04 Tbps 960 Gbps 1.92 Tbps Switch Footprint 1RU 2RU 1RU 2RU 1 Gigabit Ethernet Port Density...
54、MC2.0(7)2.0(8)EP-MR10IMC SupervisorV1.2 for C3260UCSMC3260 Granada MR1Q4CY2015Q1CY2016Q2CY20162HCY20161HCY20172HCY2017In PlanningCommittedAvailableLEGEND NDA ONLY NDA RequiredIntel “Broadwell” Server Node Specs Intel “Broadwell” Server NodeCPU: v4. Up to 2, Max: 120W, 18cores,...
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6100 and 2100 UCS 6000 Series Fabric Interconnects Unified Computing Market Leading Platforms Product Features and Specs UCS 6120XP UCS 6140XP UCS 6248UP UCS 6296UP Switch Fabric Throughput 520 Gbps 1.04 Tbps 960 Gbps 1.92 Tbps Switch Footprint 1RU 2RU 1RU 2RU 1 Gigabit Ethernet Port Density...
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