平均22小时发货 物流体验优秀 已售少于100 ¥1500点击查看更多 配送: 上海至 北京东城 快递: 24.00预计19小时内发货|承诺48小时内发货 保障: 7天无理由退货 破损包退 参数: 颜色分类:C240 M5/M5S 主板 15016-1 查看更多 用户评价 乐**码 3个月前 · ...
SeriesCisco UCS C-Series Rack Servers OverviewProduct Overview StatusEnd of SaleEOL Details Release Date12-JUL-2017 End-of-Sale Date30-OCT-2023 End-of-Support Date31-OCT-2028 Product ID Visio Stencil(142 MB .zip file) This product is supported by Cisco, but is no longer being sold. ...
SP C220 M5SX w/2x4110,4x16GB mem,VIC1387 + CWOM 咨询商品吗? 您的昵称: *必填(注意请不要超过20个字符) 电子邮箱: *必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 请在这里输入您要咨询的内容:*必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 用户名: 密码: 验证码: 注册 如果你对此商品评价或分享经验,在此提交 您的昵称:...
市场价格:- 零售价:¥26000.00 您的价:[会员可见] 简单介绍: 购买数量: 商品总价:¥26000.00 在Blog上展示这件商品向朋友推荐 分享到: sina腾讯QQrenrenkaixingdoubanmsnqq更多推荐 详细说明 商品咨询 商品评论 SP C220 M5SX w/2x3106,4x16GB mem,VIC1387 + CWOM ...
I acquired a BE6000M M5SX for a customer a year and a half ago. It has been stored in good condition. We have just started it. Unfortunately it refuses to start... The initial procedure in standby goes well (all the LEDs on the front are green). When I...
I acquired a BE6000M M5SX for a customer a year and a half ago. It has been stored in good condition. We have just started it. Unfortunately it refuses to start... The initial procedure in standby goes well (all the LEDs on the front are green). When I...
Hello. I'm wondering if anyone has had issues using ipxe boot on a Cisco UCS C220 M5SX with Cisco UCS VIC 1457 nics. During the initial bootup I have the users provide IP address, hostname, netmask and gateway. Once those are entered I then enable the network interface and run the ...
With its low cost per gigabyte of storage, Object storage systems are suited for archive, backup, Life sciences, video surveillance, healthcare, multimedia, message and machine data, and so on.Cisco and Cloudian are collaborating to offer customers a scalable object storage solution for ...
货号: 5283613869 品牌: 思科CISCO 重量: 无 库存数量: 99 浏览次数: 64 次 市场价格: - 零售价: ¥26000.00 您的价: [会员可见]简单介绍:购买数量: 商品总价: ¥26000.00 在Blog上展示这件商品 向朋友推荐 分享到: sina 腾讯QQ renren kaixing douban msn qq 更多推荐 详细说明 商品咨询 商品评论 ...
SP C220 M5SX w/2x6132,6x32GB mem,VIC1387 + CWOM 咨询商品吗? 您的昵称: *必填(注意请不要超过20个字符) 电子邮箱: *必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 请在这里输入您要咨询的内容:*必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 用户名: 密码: 验证码: 注册 如果你对此商品评价或分享经验,在此提交 您的昵称:...