Student Union (SU or Union) SU的一楼超市是日常饮品零食的天堂,还有5/6个窗口提供熟食,拉面、沙拉、墨西哥卷等应有尽有。还有一家小型的Diary Bar,工作日可以不用去农场就能吃到学校的冰淇淋。赶紧去试试这些食堂吧,每一家都有自己的特色和美味!希望大家都能找到自己心仪的美食!🍴0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...
经常有饺子、炒面和各式中餐供选择,偶尔还能吃到番茄炒蛋这样的家常美味。 💥 Student Union (SU or Union) SU的一楼超市是日常饮品零食的好去处,还有多个窗口提供熟食,如拉面、沙拉、墨西哥卷等。🌮 工作日不想去农场?这里有一家小型的Diary Bar,让你随时享受冰淇淋的甜蜜! 💥 East 食堂:Whitney Whitney食堂...
On one road that passed by the UConn student union building, at least half a dozen streetlights were torn to the ground. A fire had also been started in the middle of the street. Students were also climbing onto campus buildings, video from Nexstar’s WTNH shows. Police were seen takin...