TheIntersegmentalGeneralEducationTransferCurriculum 这些课都是UC认证许可的可转学分课程。就读加州社区学院的准转学生可以完成这些课程,以满足加州大学(UC)和加州州立大学(Cal State)的低阶课程/通识课程(lower-division breadth/general educati...
Only one course in generalchemistryis required forElectrical Engineering. One year of chemistry with lab and two terms oforganic chemistryare required forBioengineeringandChemical Engineering. Computer Engineering,Computer ScienceandComputer Science and Engineeringdo not require a chemistry course. Computer Pr...
As a junior-level transfer applicant, you must meet the following requirements. Some of yourmajor ...
Students who complete the program and meet the requirements will receive an official completion certificate. Additionally, the program offers an official credit-transferrable course allowing students to earn 4 transferring credits within the UC system. This experience at a world-class university will serv...
学生在第一年(即第三季度)结束时,应完成如下广度要求(breadth requirements): 五门本科课程:Computer Science 180, two courses from 111, 118, and M151B, one course from 130, 131, or 132, and one course from 143, 161, or 174A 除以上本科课程外,学生另需完成3门CS 201课程并获得“S”等级(每个...
UCLA has receivedmore than 169,800applications for fall 2023 admission, with approximately 145,900 coming from freshman applicants and nearly 24,000 from transfer applicants — making UCLA once again the most applied-to four-year university in the nation. ...
Grade Reports & Transcripts Students are issued an official UCLA transcript upon completion. All grades earned in Summer Sessions become part of your official UCLA transcript, which shows all course work completed at UCLA. Admission Requirements
UCLA recently revamped its general education requirements by reducing the number of required courses to focus on writing, discussion, and broad theory in three “foundation” themes: arts and humanities, society and culture, and scientific inquiry. Entering freshmen can gain invaluable academic ...
To qualify for TAP, you’ll need to first enroll at one of the participating community colleges. Once you’ve completed the course and GPA requirements for transfer under the TAP guidelines (approximately two years with normal progress), you can apply to transfer. ...
All students attending UCLA must meet certain general education requirements that are grouped into three foundational areas: Arts and Humanities, Society and Culture, and Scientific Inquiry. Regulations and procedures for declaring a major vary between UCLA’s colleges, but all students are required to...