1、文理学院(College of Letters and Science) 85% of undergraduates enroll in the College 由学院的世界知名教师教授的学生将准备在加州和世界各地的商业、政府、学术界和社区中担任领导者。 2、艺术和建筑学院(School of the Arts and Architecture) #1 best art school nationally 四个系的学位课程为学生提供了...
The School of Dentistry has a national and international reputation for its teaching, research activities and public outreach. Here, you’ll find your path to a professional career dedicated to patient care, leadership and service. School ofEducation & Information Studies Offers M.A., M.Ed., ...
除此之外,在美国哈佛,耶鲁,哥伦比亚大学,加拿大多伦多大学、英属哥伦比亚大学,滑铁卢大学等众多知名院校都有实地考察参观学习交流的经验,在英国牛津和剑桥大学上过summer school, 可以最直观的为需要的小伙伴提供指导和帮助。 推荐阅读: 更多留学资讯欢迎关注AdmitWrite留学平台专栏——【海外名校申请经验】,专栏主要内容包括...
In the suit, two professors and students who were part of the encampment alleged UCLA “unlawfully caused the arrests of students and faculty engaged in nonviolent protest.” The protesters, represented by the ACLU of Southern California, have asked the court to force UCLA police to no longer ...
MaSS我看它介绍的项目faculty简直大杂烩,两个人类学两个经济一个心理一个社会学两个历史,感觉就是cash cow program(虽然说大多数北美MA都是cash cow)。如果不以回国就业为导向的话我觉得没有必要有名校思想钢印了。准备PhD的话这个项目其实也不如坐一年full time lab manager,还能省钱 赞(208) 回复 Hashbrown...
UCLA School Of Nursing Faculty To Present At Prestigious Oncology Nursing Society Conference In Los AngelesUCLA School of Nursing
School of the Arts and Architecture #1 best art school nationally 四个系的学位课程为学生提供了无与伦比的机会,向当今最具创新精神的艺术家、设计师、人种学家、编舞家、建筑师和艺术学者学习并进行互动。 03 教育和信息研究研究生院 Graduate School of ...
Each quarter, before classes begin inside the facility, James Jacob, the LA County Probation Director who oversees Nidorf, comes to campus to meet with the new batch of UCLA Prison Education Program students and faculty. Allies of the program, many of them formerly incarcerated individuals, and...
GPA for University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Although UCLA does not have a specific GPA requirement for admission, academic achievement holds great importance in the evaluation process. UCLA takes into consideration the rigor of an applicant’s high school curriculum and the grades achieved ...
UCLA学科种类齐全,有些学科和院系在全美处于领先水平,像大气与海洋科学(Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences), 地球与空间科学(Earth and Space Sciences),医学院(Medical School),教育学院(School of Education), 安德森管理学院(Andersen School of Management)。