文理学院(College of Letters and Science)是学校学术的中心,被分为人文、生命科学、物理科学、社会科学、本科教育部四个部门,容纳了全校超过八成的本科生。 由于我的商学院和医学院等都不提供本科学位,所以在文理学院修读相关课程和专业成了很多学生的首选,也因此,商科经济学(Business Economics) 成为了文理学院中最...
This includes things like Economics, Political Science, and Sociology (the three most popular in the overall group). This is followed by the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, and Mathematics. Admissions prospects at USC and UCLA In the 2023–2024 academic year, USC received 80,808...
“I did get financial aid, and I got a lot more than I expected. … That really eased my mind,” said Brandon Soung, a third-year political science student who studied abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul. The factors that lead to making this decision can vary significantly from student ...
Experience at the highest levels of the judicial system and in private practice informs Iman Anabtawi's academic life. She teaches corporate finance and other classes in the corporate law specialization with an emphasis on transactional skills, such as Venture Capital Financing Transactions and Mergers...
Ralph Bunche was an American political scientist and diplomat. Attending UCLA during the 1920s, he earned his undergraduate degree in international relations as well as becoming one of the first African Americans to earn a doctoral degree in political science from an American university. Best known...
“In the life sciences (department), a lot of times they (the department) don’t make accommodations or expand class seats, too, so that just makes it extra hard and competitive to get into the classes,” said Shania Garrison, a third-year physiological science student. ...
"Improving Social and Conceptual Connections during Remote Statistics Classes [conference paper]" Caylor R. Davis, Karen Givvin, Jinna Hwang, and Ji Y. Son (2021). This paper reports on the implementation of a statistics lesson in a remote classroom that incorporates an embodied group activity ...
To this end we established a small gallery in the California NanoSystems Institute and a series of guest lectures called LASERs coordinated with undergraduate and graduate classes. For a list of our current eventsclick here NEWS GET INVOLVED!
Enrolling In Classes Courses Courses Overview Management 195 CPA Info Useful Links Graduating Seniors Contact Us Undergraduate Minor in Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Minor in Entrepreneurship Home Minor Requirements Capstone Requirement (MGMT 169) Internships Apply to the Minor Faculty Ca...