一、ucla商学院mba学费 查询该校商学院官网可知,2024-2025学年ucla商学院mba学费是78,350美元/年,折合人民币约为56万元。该校mba学费是按季度计算的,夏季学费是11,227美元,其他三个季度的学费是一样的,是22,374美元,就读该校mba学生还会花费以下费用: Health Insurance:6,623美元/年 Food/Housing:28,992美元/...
The total cost of the Anderson MBA program is $128,687 per year; this includes budgeted living expenses. How hard is it to get into Anderson’s MBA program? What is the average GMAT score for admission to Anderson’s MBA program? Does the Anderson MBA program accept the GRE? What is ...
It is one of UCLA’s eleven professional schools. The school offers MBA (full-time, executive part-time,), PGPX, financial engineering, business analytics, and PhD degrees. The programs offered by Anderson include an Accounting minor for undergraduates, a Full-Time MBA program, PhD, Fully-Empl...
UCLA Anderson & FEMBA is such a big part of our love story because of how transformative the experience was for both of us. I was so lucky that he had gone through the experience, fully immersed himself in every aspect, and supported me through every part of the last three years of my...