参加同伴辅导需提前注册,访问MyUCLA同伴学习功能,点击【Academic】找到【Peer Learning】,选择对应学期后再选择想要上的课。🔸 专业Tutors 经济、化学、英语等专业的辅导计划通常由所在学院的博士生辅导本科生,研究生做助教,收费标准不一。有需要可以查看所在学院官网找到导师名单和沟通方式。🔸 Student Math Center 无...
The math and literacy instruction could be improved. Many families use math and literacy tutors because some students in intermediate are not proficient in math and reading. Parent Mar 20 2023 Overall Experience Report 1 person has found this helpful ...
Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study.com website tocustomer support. ...