• One of the most difficult universities in the United States to get into • The university with the largest number of majors and the largest number of students in the United States • No. 1 in the national college food list • Has the largest research library in the United States,...
加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley简称:UCB UCB今年共收到了128,200份申请,最终录取了14,600人,整体录取率达11%,它的申请难度可见一斑! UCB之前只能选择一个专业申请,今年8月UC网申系统开放时,可选择第二专业了。但只有waitlist或单独专业偶然有名额时才考虑,所以第二专业本质上名存实亡。 UC...
3.Is there a particular instructor who recommended our program to you? If so, please list the instructor name below. 4.Have you attended any of our department's summer programs? If so, please list below. 5.Schools you have attended (beginning with the most recent) 6.Courses currently in ...
officers began to step in to stop the violent skirmishes around 1:30 a.m. — roughly two and a half hours after the conflict began. By morning, at least one person had been driven away in an ambulance,per CBS, though the full number of injuries and arrests remain unclear. UCLAannounced...
UCLA 认知科学专业