纽约大学朗格尼骨科医院,NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital 拉什大学医学中心,Rush University Medical Center 12 风湿科 约翰·霍普金斯医院,Johns Hopkins Hospital 克利夫兰医学中心,Cleveland Clinic 梅奥诊所,Mayo Clinic 纽约长老会哥伦比亚与康奈尔大学医院特种外科医院,Hospital for Special Surgery,New York-Presbyterian Un...
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Serving as the leading educator of orthopedic surgery techniques to surgeons around the world, Southern California Orthopedic Institute is headquartered in Van Nuys with locations in Bakersfield, Ridgecrest, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Pasadena (Pediatri
UCLASS, CSS, OSS, and VAS Pain Scores were measured for each patient by an independent healthcare professional before surgery and then followed up at 6, 12, and 24 months after surgery. Baseline demographics including age, gender, body mass index (BMI), rotator cuff tear size, and presence...