别着急,两个办法:实打实上一门网课 OR 急救方法 咱们先说实打实的方法吧:Coursera上一门编程课,这些课学习时间大概三周到五周不等,上完了Coursera会生成一张有你自己专属编码的certificate也就是证书,Coursera上的证书都是受到美国高校认证的,也就说写在application里和你本科学校里学的课是等效的。这是具体课程的...
why us . Official Completion Certificate & Credits Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Methods (4 credits)Quota: Up to 25 students per course Course Description: This introductory statistics course emphasizes the significance and practical application of statistical analysis and covers the role of ...
This course acts as a comprehensive guide that will take you through a deep dive into integrated marketing communications while exploring a process-based approach to design creative communications with various methods. The curriculum is designed by Cornell’s experienced instructors, who have trained var...
Purpose: Launched in collaboration with Associazione Borsisti Marco Fanno, the competition was aimed at young Italian students in economics, banking or finance who wish to pursue a PhD course abroad. Eligibility: Applicants must be citizens of any nationality with a degree (at least 3 years in ...