I think that what really distinguished UCLA from other California campuses that I had attended was that UCLA tried to encourage and help the students to graduate on time and also provided plenty of undergraduate research opportunities. The downside was that living costs was expensive and one could...
608 per year. This site requires JavaScript to work correctly. Clinical Research Assistant - Hematology/Oncology. (Formerly HNRS 101C) Seminar, two hours. Nayeli Lopez-Ortiz is a third-year Psychobiology major and Chicano/a and Central American Studies minor. In...
Raphael Landovitz’s clinical research career focuses on optimizing the use of HIV antiretroviral therapy for both HIV treatment and HIV prevention. Dr. Landovitz was trained at Princeton University and Harvard Medical School. He completed post-graduate training in internal medicine at Brigham and Wom...
As troubling is a 1988 article Nuechterlein and one of his graduate students published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. They analyzed relapses in the UCLA study that reached the “severe or extremely severe level,” noting that the research had not been restricted “by the necessity to ...
For further information contact: The Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology, Fairbairn House, 71–75 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LSZ 9PL Tel: (44) 20 7436 4276 Website: www.leeds.ac.uk/chpccp David Pearce Research Scholarship Subjects: Economics. Purpose: To provide ...