Art & Design National Polytechnic CollegePepperdine University (LL.M)* (MBA)*Pierce CollegeSonoma State UniversityPasadena City College SUNY Institute of TechnologySaddleback College UCLA Summer Sessions (summer only)Santa Monica College UCLA Extension Certificate Programs*West Los Angeles CollegeUniversity ...
22、Bioscience Programs 生物科学 生物信息学、人类基因学、分子和药理学、分子生物等都属于这个项目下。 23、Biostatistics 生物统计学 具体开放春季还是秋季入学需要向学校相关部门咨询,申请截止日期是12月1日。 24、Chemical Engineering 化学工程 申请截止日期是12月31日。 研究领域:半导体制造专业课程、纳米级半导体器...
35、Design | Media Arts 设计 | 传媒艺术 申请截止日期是1月15日,GRE不做要求。 研究领域:媒体艺术、互动媒体、虚拟环境和信息空间。 36、East Asian Studies 东亚研究 申请截止日期是12月5日,正常提交GRE成绩。 37、Economics 经济学 申请截止日期是12月1日,正常提交GRE成绩。 研究领域:计量经济学; 经济史; ...
Similar to the past few years, Harvard University, Columbia University, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid maintained their position at the top of the ranking. MIT has made the list with two programs, one focused on urbanism and the other on design. Moreover, Tsinghua University in Beijing,...
Interior Design and Decorating Drama and Theatre Arts Fine Arts and Studio Art Musical Arts Get Started with University of Florida Research University of Florida's Programs 3 Boston University School Info School locations: Massachusetts (1 campus) Program Info Areas...
Art Direction, Web Design and Development Industry Education, Arts & Culture Reimagining UCLA Arts: Crafting a Unique Brand Identity Within a University UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture is a school within a school. As much a part of the larger organization as it is a ...
与芬兰阿尔托大学开设的New Media Design and Production类似,很多在DMA专业中学习的研究生都是来自于视觉传达、影视制作、交互设计、科学工程以及纯艺术领域。他们明确的知道自己做过什么,要做什么,从感兴趣的主题出发,寻找志同道合的相关专业人士一起协同做项目。无论是对于本科生还是研究生,DMA都强调综合性多学科的...
1.How did you learn about the Design|Media Arts major at UCLA? 2.Have you applied to our major before? 3.Is there a particular instructor who recommended our program to you? If so, please list the instructor name below. 4.Have you attended any of our department's summer programs? If...
1,317-1,652 in california high schools augustus f. hawkins high a critical design and gam 825 w. 60th st. los angeles, california 90044 # 1,217 in california high schools boyle heights continuation 544 s. mathews st. los angeles, california 90033 # 1,317-...
Art That Heals developed five programs at the UCLA Medical Center/Cancer Center which used arts interventions to reduce stress and facilitate coping with hospitalization. These experiences were well received by patients and nursing staff. Educational modules were developed so that others may learn from...