I had some pressures with standardized testing. This was mainly because I took the tests in grade 11 and 12 so I didn't have a lot of time to prepare and I couldn't take it multiple times. I think that mo...
但是在UCLA生活一段时间以来,觉得这边只要不是凌晨1、2点这种时间(虽然有同学有过凌晨12点从图书馆回宿舍的经历,据当事人所说还是有些担心的),出去买东西什么的还是很安全的,街上24小时商店和行人都比较多。 但是安全也不是没有代价,那就是“西木区”的生活成本会相对较高,在不和他人共享一个房间的前提下,U...
On June 30, 2022USC and UCLA announced that they will be leaving the Pacific-12 Conferenceand joining the Big Ten Conference on Aug. 2, 2024. This decision brings more money to both schools as they will have large television deals with networks like FOX, CBS a...