A majority of students complete their education without debt. The rankings also highlighted research conducted by UCLA faculty members, 40 of whom were recently named among the most influential researchers in the world in their fields. The university has also been named the No.1 pu...
被认为是美国最优秀的研究密集型牙科学校之一,在口腔疾病的分子生物学、流行病学、生物医学工程和牙科材料等方面处于国际领先地位。该校教授Brian L. Mealey、Casey Chen、Bente Matthaia等人在口腔生物材料和口腔癌症方面的研究成果在学界具有极高的声誉。 ○ 法学院 School of Law 始建于1949年,是南加州首屈一指...
In June 1976, the building was decommissioned as a school.The city maintained ownership and the b...
3️⃣ Samueli School of Engineering 4️⃣Herb Alpert School of Music 5️⃣ School of Nursing 6️⃣ Luskin School of Public Affairs 7️⃣School of Theater, Film, and Television 该校最有名的科系为戏剧、电影及影视学院,这里也诞生多位知名校友,像是Frances Ford Coppola、Tim Robbins...
我的专业是生物统计学,UCLA biostatistics系设置在public health school下,课程偏统计理论,当然也有一些...
Unicamp:It is a summer camp for lower-income children of Los Angeles, where counselors (called “Woodseys”) are volunteers from the student body. Unicamp helps over 500 junior high and high school students in the Los Angeles community through the help of over 300 UCLA student volunteers over...
(School of Theater, Film and Television,全美排名第4位) * 戴卫·格芬医学学院 (David Geffen School of Medicine,全美排名第13位) * 神经心理研究学院 (Neuropsychiatric Institute) * 护理学院 (School of Nursing) * 牙医学院(School of Dentistry) * 公共卫生学院 (School of Public Health) 以上五所医学...
The private versus public school experience The most prominent programs and majors, and The admissions prospects at each school First, let’s take a look at a brief overview of each university. The University of Southern California (USC) Founded in 1880, it is the oldest private research univ...
education engineering fine arts health law library studies medicine nursing public affairs science social sciences and humanities tools compare graduate schools search for graduate schools advice applying to graduate school paying for graduate school about the gre studying at a u...
the decision is a tough one. They are technically the same price for me (since ucla is a public school and cornell is private but cornell gave me some money so it equalizes it). From experience, i can tell you that the MPP program at ucla is a solid one academically speaking but one...