在2014年12月,教育学院(IOE)正式成为UCL一个独立的学院。 UCL教育学院目前下设有6个部门(Department)共30多个研究中心,开设包括本科、硕士、PhD等学位课程,70多个与教育学、社会科学相关的专业供同学们选择申请。 在本科学位方面,UCL教育学院除了开设教育相关的专业以外,还有例如BA Media(媒体)、BSc Scoial Science(...
5、社会科学与数据科学 BSc Social Science&Data Science 专业主要探索心理学和社会学的核心知识,包括社...
LSE is a member of the Russell Group, Association of Commonwealth Universities, European University Association and is often considered a part of the "Golden Triangle" of top universities in South East England. The LSE ...
1--经济&管理学院:MRes/PhD in Economics and Management经济学和管理学硕士/博士 2--经济历史学院:MSc in Financial History金融史理学硕士 3--国际历史学院:LSE-NUS Double Degree MA in Asian and International History亚洲和国际历史双学位硕士 4--公共政策学院:LSE-Sciences Po Double Master of Public Admin...
利益相关:UCL BSc Social Sciences 19毕业生。如果走学术道路,威斯康星麦迪逊的社会学比UCL好很多,美国...
PhD (Doctor Degrees) – 博士:毕业后获得博士学位,通常3-4年可完成。本科学位等级划分例如UCL 大学分数在40至49为三等学位;分数在50至59为二等二学位-2:2 degree;分数在60至69为二等一学位-2:1 degree;分数在70以上为一等学位-fist class degree;研究生学位划分大部分学校会分为:Pass – 通过、Merit –...
Dr Spence is recognised internationally as a leader in the field of intellectual property theory and holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford, where he headed Oxford’s Law faculty and Social Sciences division. An alumnus of the Universit...
UCL个别专业申请会有一些特殊材料要求: 比如 CODE-3344 Economics MSc专业需要提交GRE成绩; Speech and language Sciences MS专业需要做工作经历说明; Health Economics and Decision Science MSc 专业需要Proposed dissertation; Architecture and Historic Urban Environments MA Architecture March (ARB/RIBA Part 2) Bio-...
3.【offer-Oxford-applied linguistics and second language acquisition】我的申请季终于结束啦,来报offer了:Oxford:MSc in applied linguistics and second language acquisition, 不过我准备去美国读phd啦,准备放弃这个机会了,祝wl的同学好运嗷 4.【1拒1录-Oxford-stat-mathematics】博主你好!我来报个拒录!我先是...
Communication and Development ⊙ MSc Philosophy of Science ⊙ MSc Philosophy of the Social Sciences ⊙ MSc Regional And Urban Planning Studies ⊙ MSc Regulation ⊙ MSc Risk and Finance ⊙ MSc Strategic Communications ⊙ MSc Theory and History of International Relations ⊙ MRes/ PhD Finance (Universit...