UCL 的MSc Finance金融学专业是不少同学的“梦中情专”。根据院校数据显示,2022年申请UCL金融学硕士专业的人数高达2097人! 然而,在23申请季伊始,两千人都梦寐以求的专业给大家泼了一盆冷水: 原23申请季金融专业 | UCL官网 UCL Finance必须提交GRE/GMAT成绩,不提交的申请人不被考虑!不少同学只能被迫“遗憾离场”。
UCL 的MSc Finance金融学专业是不少同学的“梦中情专”。根据院校数据显示,2022年申请UCL金融学硕士专业的人数高达2097人! 然而,在23申请季伊始,两千人都梦寐以求的专业给大家泼了一盆冷水: 原23申请季金融专业 | UCL官网 UCL Finance必须提交GRE/GMAT成绩,不提交的申请人不被考虑!不少同学只能被迫“遗憾离场”。
MSc Accounting and Finance MSc Economics and Management MSc Finance (full-time) Master's in Management 另外MSc Management and Strategy这个专业,要求所有学生提交GRE/GMAT成绩,只有LSE本校学习过经济/管理/数学的学生可免。 伦敦国王学院 KCL的一些专业无需提交GRE/GMAT成绩,但分数优异对申请有加分,如: MSc S...
MSc Management with Integrated Pre-Masters(综合的硕士预科管理硕士) School of Economics & Finance(经济与金融学院) MSc Banking and Finance(银行与金融硕士) MSc Banking and Finance (Conversion)(银行与金融硕士(转换)) MSc Banking and Finan...
-MSc Management -MSc Management and Strategy -MSc Marketing -MRes/PhD Quantitative Economic History 要求GMAT或GRE -MSc Finance MSc in Finance -MSc Finance and Private Equity -MSc Risk and Finance 要求GMAT或GRE, 更倾向于GMAT 曼彻斯特大学
南洋理工大学-MSc in Signal Processing and Machine Learning Y同学 华南理工大学 金融(辅修计算机) 录取学校: 约翰霍普金斯大学-MS in Finance 香港大学-Master of Finance 伦敦国王学院-MSc Banking & Finance 伦敦国王学院-MSc Finance ...
MSc Management (Marketing) MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data) MSc Management (International Human Resource Management) MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management MSc Economics Finance and Management MSc Human Resou...
对于带有Management、Finance、Economics、BA、Entrepreneurship的项目还是得慎选! 建议考虑: MSc in Engineering with Finance MA in Comparative Economics and Policy IMESS (International Masters in Economy, State and Society) MSc in Pros...
MSc Management (International Human Resource Management) MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management MSc Economics Finance and Management MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management)
-MSc Economics and Management-MSc Finance and Economics-MSc Management-MSc Management and Strategy -MSc Marketing-MRes/PhD Quantitative Economic History要求GMAT或GRE -MSc Finance MSc in Finance-MSc Finance and Private Equity -MSc Risk and Finance要求GMAT或GRE, 更倾向于GMAT ...