总结一下楼上跟我私信的内容:她只想表达雅思5.5这一个事情,她朋友怎么达到language requirement的均与她无关,也没义务去查证,她问心无愧。顺便心疼一下风评受害的ucl旁友们。 赞(35) 回复 HTY 2021-03-28 06:20:23 震撼了 ucl啥专业只要5.5的雅思rwkk 我申的一个偏门到找不到相关信息和就读经历的专业都...
and should not send or upload work until it has been requested. Although it is not a requireme...
链接: www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/programmes/msc-risk-management/admissions/entry-requirements/#english-language-requirement 下面和队长一起看看收获了UCL、帝国理工双offer的L同学的申请情况吧! LeaderOffer 成功案例 L同学背景 本科大学:英国本科 ...
Statistical Natural Language Processing Entry Requirement 录取要求 A minimum of an upper second-class UK Bachelor’s degree or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants must have a strong aptitude for quantitative analysis and are likely to have studied a range of degrees includin...
很多申请学生为了提高自己的竞争优势,往往会拿出超过entry requirement的预估成绩来递交申请,导致满屏的3A*、4A*甚至5A*这种成绩; 拿到offer,最终达到学校给的con这个录取才算稳了,一些热门专业可能con3个或4个A*比如G5的CS等专业会给部...
● You meet the following English requirements.English language requirement: Any student who is not a national of an English-speaking country is required to provide recent evidence of English language proficiency: ● The majority of courses normally require a level of IELTS 7.0. ● A level of ...
Please note that TOEFL iBT MyBestScore is not acceptable for meeting the English language requirement. 多领国也可以用,不错啊,也是三档。分别是:低115,中 125,高135。 Standard level: Overall score of 115 on the Duolingo English test Good level: Overall score of 125 on the Duolingo English test...
Please note that TOEFL iBT MyBestScore is not acceptable for meeting the English language requirement. 多领国也可以用,不错啊,也是三档。分别是:低115,中 125,高135。 Standard level: Overall score of 115 on the Duolingo English test Good level: Overall score of 125 on the Duolingo English test...