1.Archives and Records Management MA (1)所属学院/系:Information Studies (2)2023FALL国际生学费:£29,000 (3)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,但是一般需要在档案、记录或信息管理工作中有一段带薪或志愿者经历(通常为4-12个月),不符合以上要求但是对该项目有深刻理解的申请人也会被case by case考虑 (4)...
1.Archives and Records Management MA (1)所属学院/系:Information Studies (2)2023FALL国际生学费:£29,000 (3)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,但是一般需要在档案、记录或信息管理工作中有一段带薪或志愿者经历(通常为4-12个月),不符合以上要求但是对该项目...
The personal statement is your opportunity to make clear why you are a good fit for this MA, and why this MA is the right programme for you. Rather than using your personal statement to repeat information found in your CV, explain what attracts you to this programme and what you would li...
这个专业其实课程量不大,之后还有机会转phd,但很多读完的学生表示罢了罢了,不会再想继续读下去。 这个专业的录取几率也很感人,总共42个人申请,一起录取41人。简直是爱了爱了,基本去申的都最后录了。而且,这个专业其实不强制你要专业背景,你只要能体现你有足够的相关工作经历,也是一样可以申请的。
MLA Situated Practice MA Urban Design March 这些专业提交(设计)作品集; Bio-Integrated Design MArch Bio-Integrated Design MSc LLM Philosophy PhD Philosophical Studies MPhil Stud Mathematics Education MA 这些专业需要提交Written work; 这期的视频就到这里了,小伙伴们在准备申请材料时一定要尽可能全面的准备。
PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies King's College London Mental Health Studies MSc University of Minnesota--Twin Cities Master of Arts in Family Social Science New York University Master of Art in Psychology Boston College Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling ...
官方解答:博士申请往往都会要求先与心意的导师联系,确定研究论题后再与导师一起投递申请,开始PhD后会直接 和这位导师做研究。这种情况PhD申请页上一定会要求自行联系导师。但也有专业提供4年制rotation program,类似一些美国大学,开始会在不同的lab轮流呆数个月,然后再确定 ... 问题:UCL本科Management science,有本硕...
UCL Information Management for Business对数学的要求相对较低,但更着重信息系统和编程的学习,这部分的...
PhD Programmes Medicine & HealthBusiness & ManagementSocial SciencesApplied Sciences & ProfessionsEducation & TrainingHumanitiesLaw Clinical Studies Doctorate/Full-time, Part-time/Blended University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)Preston, United Kingdom ...