9. 如果你错过了特殊情况申请的截止日期(If you miss the deadline for EC claims) 后期的证据 1.如果你不能及时获得必要的证据来提交你的EC申请,你仍然必须按时提交你的申请,并表明你的证据将紧随其后。 2.你必须在提交EC申请后不超过四周内提交逾期证据。在收到你的证据之前不能做出决定。这可能会影响你可...
Truthfully, I did not expect the Court to reach or decide it inMcGill, but I think the Court's conclusion is absolutely the correct one. Attempting to apply class certification principles to forward-reaching injunctive relief claims just doesn't make any sense, procedurally: ...
These observations are not an impermissible weighing of the evidence. Courts always perform an essential gatekeeping role in deciding how much is enough evidence to allow a jury to reach a reasonable conclusion. Here, respectfully, the inferences relied on by the majority opinion are too inconclusive...
“The focus is on newborns at the moment, but in the next 10 years we hope to apply this to adults with conditions such as cancer of the oesophagus” In case you wonder why pigs and not deceased human donors, like with decellurised trachea: De Coppi’s intended patients are newborns, ...
7. What is Condonement and does it apply to me?Some Undergraduate, Taught Postgraduate, and ...