🎉🎉OFFER UCL伦敦大学学院 Global Management of Natural Resource 全球自然资源管理🔥🔥这个时候收到G5的offer,比以往激动多几分[GoForIt][GoForIt]不管9月疫情是否缓解,我们是否能成功入学,至少我们有了,再说...
◆ MSc Global Human Resource Management ◆ MSc International Business Management ◆ MSc International Economics and Finance ◆ MSc International Financial Analysis ◆ MSc International Marketing ◆ MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk...
◆ MSc Global Human Resource Management ◆ MSc International Business Management ◆ MSc International Economics and Finance ◆ MSc International Financial Analysis ◆ MSc International Marketing ◆ MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk Management 以下商学院的相关专业,大学要求Tier 1和Tier 2的院校均分达到80%;T...
MSc Human Resource Development MSc Human Resource Management MSc Management and Information Systems MSc International Development: Globalisation, Trade and Industry MSc International Development: Development Management MSc Development Economics and Policy MSc International Development: Public Policy and Management M...
香港大学-MSc in Engineering (Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management) H同学 华南理工大学 信息工程 录取学校: 南洋理工大学-MSc in Communications Engineering 香港科技大学-MSc in Telecommunications L同学 华师+阿伯丁 金融 录取...
个项目分别是 MSc Accounting and Finance 会计金融硕士,MSc Accounting, Organisations and Institutions 会计组织和机构硕士,MSc Finance 金融学硕士,MSc Finance and Economics 金融和经济学硕士,MSc Finance and Private Equity 金融和私募硕士,MSc Risk and Finance 风险金融硕士,Global Master's in Management ...
MSc Digital MarketingMSc Human Resource ManagementMSc International BusinessMSc Logistics and Global OperationsMSc ManagementMSc Management with Human ResourcesMSc Management with Project ManagementMSc Project ManagementMBA Master of Business Administration 林肯国际商学院(Lincoln International Business School)剩余...
个项目分别是 MSc Accounting and Finance 会计金融硕士,MSc Accounting, Organisations and Institutions 会计组织和机构硕士,MSc Finance 金融学硕士,MSc Finance and Economics 金融和经济学硕士,MSc Finance and Private Equity 金融和私募硕士,MSc Risk and Finance 风险金融硕士,Global Master's in Management 管理(...
最后,还有零零散散各式各样的交叉学科或商科复合学科项目,一共有 5 个:Archives and Records Management 档案管理,这个项目约等于是 MIS 这个专业;Entrepreneurship 创业学、Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 繁荣创新和创业这 2 个创业相关项目;Global Management of Natural Resources 全球自然资源管理这个土地...
·MSc Global Healthcare Management with routes ·MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management ·MSc Digital Health and Entrepreneurship 爱丁堡大学开设新学院 继UCL后,最近爱丁堡大学也将成立“Edinburgh Futures Institute”学院,听起来科技感满满的“未来研究所”!