✅ 实践练习 如果时间很紧迫,那么建议直接在刷题的过程中进行复习,通过Pastpaper来找出做题的规律。 ✅ 查缺补漏 建议按照Notes、Problem sheets、Past papers、Office hour的顺序来进行复习,复习过一遍之后你会大概知道,哪些知识点是自己掌握不牢的,从而可以有针对性地进行查缺补漏。 这里需要注意:如果该知识点很...
相信做过past papers的同学都能发现,a-level数学每年考试题型大多不变,所以日常的每个chapter的练习和past papers都不能少。 Pearson出版的数学课本也是可以好好利用的资源之一。当年我的学习方法是:每一个章节的例题读懂后尝试重新做一次。例题后都有相应的练习题,尽量都做完,如果练习题量比较大,可以挑单数或者偶数...
GPA:85/100(专业排名系前30%)研究生: 伦敦大学学院(UCL)MSc in Specialised Translation (With I...
Although this course will draw on more general arguments and ideas in sociology, you will not be expected to become an expert in all of these wider debates. I have provided some reading for any one who wishes to place each topic in a broader sociological context. 本课程的目的是详细考察社会...
It took me some time to fully realise the implications of living on my own—having to factor in time to do laundry, clean my own living spaces, and even do my own cooking. You can be monumentally busy (especially during exam season), but these are still the basic tasks you must accomp...
54pp. This report presents a conceptual discussion of the implications of maritime nuclear weapons for crisis management and discussesthe following themes: (1) strategic nuclear weapons have played significant crisis control and termination functions in the past; (2) current U.S. Navy maritime ...
there is no secure direction." In the past, my ideal is a vacant, learn this no mind, learn which distractivity, never is absent-minded, now I set my ideal, I will work hard to rush toward my goal. Have the ideal because in a set of things. In an exam, see the girls compositio...