一、排名: 学校排名:QS世界大学排名2022-第8名 学科排名:QS世界学科排名2021-Linguistics(语言学) 第17名 二、所属院系: Faculty of Arts and Humanities- English Language and Literature 三、专业介绍: 本课程为学生提供现代英语的理论和实践知识,以及学术写作、语言论证和研究方法的培训。学生可使用丰富的语料库...
Normally a minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in English or a related area (e.g. media or drama) or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Knowledge and experience of teaching English language/literature as a curriculum subject (primary, secondary or tertiary) is esse...
67 Engineering 69 English and Comparative Literature 70 Fine Art and Art History 71 Historical and Philosophical Studies 73 Languages and Cultural Studies 77 Law 78 Mathematics and Statistics 80 Media 81 Medicine and Allied Subjects 83 Physical Sciences 85 Psychology and Language Sciences Additional info...
具体可见 UCL English Entry-Requirements 官方网站。 伦大学院有 21 所学生宿舍,分两类。提供膳食服务的宿舍(Halls of Residences)共有 3 间;需自 理的舍堂(Student Houses)则有 18 间。所有宿舍房间租住期为 40 周(包括圣诞及复活节假期日)。由 于地方有限,只有本科新生及国际研究新生有住宿保证,其他学生则...
No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought.This course requires proficiency in English at the University'shigher level. If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement.The minimum scores required to meet the University's...
(Nuffield) English Language English Language and Literature English Literature (specifications A or B where applicable) Environmental Science Environmental Studies F Film Studies French G Geography A Geography B Geology German Government and Politics Greek Gujarati H Hindi History History of Art History ...
English Language and Literature Department专业清单 45.English: Issues in Modern Culture MA 46.English Linguistics MA 47.Medieval and Renaissance Studies MA 48.Early Modern Studies MA Department of Political Science专业清单 49.Democracy and Comparative Politics MSc 50.European Politics and Policy MSc 5...
Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 30 UCL academics (including visiting academics) and alumni (16 in Physiology or Medicine, seven in Chemistry, five in Physics and one each in Literature and Economic Sciences) as well as three Fields Medals in Mathematics.[18][19] 【参考译文】迄今为止,30位...
25.English Education MA (1)专业背景要求:要求英语或相关专业背景(比如传媒或戏剧),申请人必须具备英语语言/文学课程(小学、中学或大学)的教学知识和经验,且需要在大学毕业后有大量相关的工作经验,例如,至少在大学做过一年的教学助理等 (2)院校背景及均分要求:UCL没有自己的list,不严格卡本科院校背景,均分一般最...
英语成绩要求 | English Language Requirement 不要求GRE或GMAT No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought. This course requires proficiency in English at the University's higher level. If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this ...