UCL的数字人文硕士隶属于艺术与人文学院(Faculty of Arts and Humanities)下的信息研究系(Department of Information Studies)。该系是英国唯一一个将图书馆与信息研究、信息科学、档案与记录管理、出版以及数字人文课程集中于一处的院系。这种独特的学科整合不仅使学生能够获得更全面的教育,还促进了不同领域之间的互动与...
UCL的数字人文硕士隶属于艺术与人文学院(Faculty of Arts and Humanities)下的信息研究系(Department of Information Studies)。该系是英国唯一一个将图书馆与信息研究、信息科学、档案与记录管理、出版以及数字人文课程集中于一处的院系。这种独特的学科整合不仅使学生能够获得更全面的教育,还促进了不同领域之间的互动与...
Arts & Humanities Ranked 5th in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2021), the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at UCL is recognised globally for both its teaching and research excellence. (Built Environment) The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment As one of the oldest but ...
Creative Arts and Humanities Information in Society Statistics, Economics and Language Geography International History of Art, Materials and Technology Education, Society and Culture Social Sciences vs Sociology Youth, Society and Sustainable Futures Global...
1. Arts and Humanities 2. Biological Sciences and Psychology 3. Business Management 4. Computer Science 5. Economics 6. Finance 7. Law 8. Mathematics and Statistics 9. Physics and Engineering 10. Social Sciences 申请要求: · 国际...
UCL Faculty of Arts and Humanities (11) Ancient History BA ::type_cta_button:: View Details Ancient Languages BA ::type_cta_button:: View Details Ancient Languages with Year Abroad BA ::type_cta_button:: View Details Ancient World BA ::type_cta_button:: View Details Ancient...
• Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship MSc • Future Manufacturing and Nanoscale Engineering MSc 工程科学学院(化学工程系)以下专业截止日期为6月28日:• Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials MSc 工程科学学院(生化工程系)以下专业截止日期为6月28日:• Biochemical Engineering MSc 数...
So, if your area of interest is one of the arts, humanities or social sciences disciplines, you should probably apply to UCL. Alongside world-leading departments of the arts and sciences, UCL also boasts a top-rated architecture school and one of the UK’s best art schools, the Slade...
2. 本科专业 Media BA:课程分为电影、游戏/互动和媒体实践三大方向,强调理论学习与实践操作相结合,提供实习机会以增强专业技能。 Creative Arts and Humanities BA:将创意写作、电影与表演相结合,强调以新颖的叙事手段探索社会、文化和全球问题,提供与专业领域内的实践合作机会。3. 硕士专业 涵盖领域...
Why do we talk about Eurobonds? Or: The Big Division in the Euro Area INGA AENNE FELDMANN The corona virus health crisis sent many countries of the world in a lock down to protect their elderly and vulnerable from severe illness and death. With the pandemic epicentre reaching Europe in March...