Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng Engineering Foundation Year Information Management for Business BSc Management Science BSc Management Science MSci Mathematical Computation MEng Mechanical Engineering BEng...
1. Biology & Chemistry 2. Business Management & Social Science 3. Computer Science & Mathematics 4. Economics & Mathematics 5. Engineering & Mathematics 6. Global Politics & Social Science 7. Liberal Arts & Social Science 8. Mathe...
The Computer Science MSc at UCL provides students with a strong foundation in computer science theory and practical software engineering skills, including teamwork for industrial or research clients. Students will complement their first degree with computer science knowledge, which can lead to interdiscipli...
Civil Engineering MEng A*AA Computer Science BSc A*A*A Computer Science MEng A*A*A Earth Sciences (International Programme) MSci AAB Earth Sciences BSc AAB Earth Sciences MSci AAB Engineering and Architectural Design MEng AAA Engineering Foundation Year Environmental Geoscience BSc AAB Environmental Ge...
1、入读英国高中A Level课程,通过A Level的成绩申请UCL的大一。这是大部分学生升读UCL的主要途径。2....
给大家举一个例子,比如你今年想申请帝国理工学院(IC)的Mathematics或者 Computer Science专业,当你点进去专业主页的entry requirements部分,官网就会明确指出,学校只接收来自UCL或者华威大学的预科成绩,也就是说,获得这两所学校中任何一所的预科成绩,且达标,然后才能一步步进行后面的申请以及考试考试环节,最终拿到G5本科录...
虽然新校区目前以研究生为主,但是也是包含5个本科相关专业的,包括:①Heritage BA②Science and Engineering for Social Change BSc③Engineering Foundation Year Programme④Media BA⑤Creative Arts and Humanities BA 看了这些,你还在把UCL当作G5保底的备胎院校吗?上个申请季因各种各样的原因无缘UCL的案例也比比皆是...
UCL also offers a number of intensive foundation courses for science and engineering, humanities and English language. Teaching at UCL is ‘research-led’; the programmes that we offer reflect the latest research and are often taught by active researchers who are world-leaders in their fields. ...
Integrated International Foundation (F/E) Integrated International Pre-Masters (F/E) Undergraduate (Y1 only) BA/BSc (Hons) Business and Management (E) BA/BSc (Hons) Fashion Business & Management (E) BA (Hons) Film Production (F) BA (Hons) Graphic Design (F) ...
必修模块有:Statistical Design of Investigations(统计调查设计)、Statistical Computing(统计计算)、Introduction to Statistical Data Science(统计数据科学导论)、Research Project(研究项目)、Introduction to Machine Learning(机器学习概论)和Foundation Fortnight。