如果坐地铁到UCL主校区,可以: 1.乘坐 Hammersmith and City Line 或 Circle Line,到 Euston Square 站 2.乘坐 Piccadilly Line,到 Russell Square 站 3.乘坐 Northern Line 或 Victoria Line,到 Warren Street 站或 Euston 站 出站走不到5分钟,就可以到达 UCL 位于 Gower Street 的主校区了。 (详细信息见本...
学校地址 University Address 英国UCL (University College London) Gower Street London WC1E 6BT 常见问题 Q&A 1. 语言课和专业课可以一起上吗? 2. 本科、硕士、博士可以无英语成绩(雅思、托福等)条件录取吗? 3. 硕士学位中的课程型、混合型、研究型学位是什么意思? 4. 我的学校,已经改名怎么办,合...
Se e National Erpress for mor e in formation.Contact information T elephone: 020-7679-2000Address: Gower Street, London WCI E 6B TWebsite: www.ucl.ac.uk1. What can w e infer about University College London? A. It was named UCL 10 years after it was founded. B. It is on e of ...
SeeNational Express for more information.Contact informationTelephone: 020 7679 2000Address: Gower Street, London WC1E 6BTWebsite: www.ucl ac. uk25. What can we know about UCL?A. UCL is one of the most expensive universities in the world.B. Arts and Sciences are two basic subjects here....
43. 尽管UCL的建筑遍布伦敦,但学校主要部分在伦敦中心的Bloomsbury Gower Street 44.走路看Google map时...
Bank Address: Barclays Bank PLC, 15-17 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 1BJIBAN: GB20BARC20107970197157SWIFT: BARC GB 22付款请“引用学生姓氏和UCL学生编号作为所有付款的参考”大多数银行转账将在3个工作日内到达支票或银行汇票支票或银行家的汇票应仅以英镑(GBP£)支付给“UCL”。特注: Student Fees,...
Bank Address: Barclays Bank PLC, 15-17 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 1BJ IBAN: GB20BARC20107970197157 SWIFT: BARC GB 22 付款请“引用学生姓氏和UCL学生编号作为所有付款的参考” 大多数银行转账将在3个工作日内到达 支票或银行汇票 支票或银行家的汇票应仅以英镑(GBP)支付给“UCL”。
Bank Address: Barclays Bank PLC, 15-17 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 1BJ IBAN: GB20BARC20107970197157 SWIFT: BARC GB 22 付款请“引用学生姓氏和UCL学生编号作为所有付款的参考” 大多数银行转账将在3个工作日内到达 支票或银行汇票 支票或银行家的汇票应仅以英镑(GBP£)支付给“UCL”。
UCL申请 PERSONAL DETAILS (please complete in black ink)1.Surname/Family Name (Block Capitals)2.First Names (Block Capitals)3.Title (Mr/Mrs etc.)Day Month Year Male Female 6. Nationality 7. Country of Ordinary Residence 4.Date of Birth 5. Sex (√ )8.Home address 9. Correspondence ...
We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you. This may include: Personal data about, for example your name and contact details, including telephone number, email address and postal address Experience, training, qualifications and skills ...