目前,学校保险UC SHIP是覆盖了相关疫苗的接种费用的,大家可以通过Student Health Patient Portal和UCI Forward webpage来分别预约这两种疫苗。 此外,位于Student Center的PCR核酸检测点已于10月28日正式关闭,但学校在Student Center Information Center, CTVNS, Science Library和EH&S四地开放了免费核酸检测盒的领取点,有...
Half of the MBA class at UCI Merage are women. A third of the student body is comprised of international students. Merage MBAs have an average age of 29 and earned an average of five years of work experience before matriculating. During their undergraduate years, they averaged a GPA of 3.4...
所有 UCI 学生和员工都可以预约或直接参加测试。登录Student Health Patient Portal也可以进行预约或检查新冠检测的结果,测试地点以及相对应的时间表。 无论有没有接种疫苗,学校都建议学生在室内戴口罩,但不是强制的。在户外活动中,学生可以自由选择到底带不带口罩。相应加州政府的COVID政策,在公共交通,例如Anteater Exp...