简介:本研究旨在对UCI数据库中的Heart_Disease_Dataset数据集进行深入的数据分析,并利用机器学习方法进行二分类预测。该数据集包含了心脏疾病相关的各种特征,如心电图、血压、心率等,是进行心脏疾病分析的重要资源。通过这些数据,我们能够更好地理解心脏疾病的模式,并为未来的诊断和治疗提供有力的支持。 背景:心脏疾病...
Loads a dataset from the UCI ML Repository, including the dataframes and metadata information.ParametersProvide either a dataset ID or name as keyword (named) arguments. Cannot accept both.id: Dataset ID for UCI ML Repository name: Dataset name, or substring of name...
Heart diseases are the undisputed leading causes of death globally. Unfortunately, the conventional approach of relying solely on the patient's medical history is not enough to reliably diagnose heart issues. Several potentially indicative factors exist, such as abnormal pulse rate, high blood pressure...
heart_disease_uci 1 1 佩 佩琪索菲亚 1枚 CC0 计算机视觉 2 22 2024-01-12 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 heart_disease_uci.csv heart_disease_uci.csv (0.08M) 下载反馈建议功能升级啦! •预置高频标签帮你快速锁定问题 •在线交流、邮件、电话,随你选择...
30.Cardiotocography : The dataset consists of measurements of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contraction (UC) features on cardiotocograms classified by expert obstetricians. 胎儿心率 DataSet :该数据集包括胎儿心率( FHR ),和基于产科专家医生分类 ...
Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license Heart Disease ML Project This is a fun machine learning and data science project that I'll be utilizing UCI's Heart Disease DataSet. I am planning improving my data science skills, as well as my machine learning skills. I'll be doing a fu...
Learn more OK, Got it.Ved Nerlikar · 5y ago· 196 views arrow_drop_up1 Copy & Edit19 more_vert UCI_HeartDisease DatasetNotebookInputOutputLogsComments (2)Input Data An error occurred: Unexpected end of JSON input
30.Cardiotocography: The dataset consists of measurements of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contraction (UC) features on cardiotocograms classified by expert obstetricians. 胎儿心率 DataSet :该数据集包括胎儿心率( FHR ),和基于产科专家医生分类 ...
地址/mlearn/MLRepository.html,这里的UCI数据集可以看作是通过web的远程拷贝。作 2、为选择,这些数据同样可以通过ftp获得,.可是使用匿名登陆ftp。可以在pub/machine-learning-databases目录中找至U。汪息:UCI一直都在寻找可加入的新数据,这些数据将被写入incoming子目录中:希望您能贡献您的数据,并提供相应的文档。
Heart Disease Analysis repository machine-learninglogistic-regressionuci-machine-learningheart-disease UpdatedOct 22, 2017 Jupyter Notebook pritesh-ranjan/diabetes_predictions_application Star22 Diabetes predictions application with gui applicationpyqt5python3support-vector-machinesuci-machine-learningdiabetes-detecti...