UCI Health is Orange County’s only academic health system and is home to renowned healthcare providers and leading-edge medical facilities.
UCI Health is an academic health system that provides various medical services including cancer care, heart health, neurology, orthopaedics, primary care, and surgical services. UCI Health serves patients in need of healthcare and clinical trials. It is based in Orange, California. Headquarters Locat...
Private PPOs, HMOs, Medicare, and Medi-Cal are accepted at our Orange location. Please call to confirm your specific plan. At UCI Kidney Stone Center, we strive to bring the best kidney stone care imaginable. We provide 24/7 immediate access to expert kidney stone care with our dedicated ...
Premier Head & Neck Cancer Center in Orange County UCI Head & Neck Surgery provides comprehensive medical and surgical care for adults and children with ear, nose and throat conditions. Our team is a group of dedicated and talented board-certified ENT doctors and members of the American Academy...
UCI Health is the clinical enterprise of the University of California, Irvine, and the only academic health system in Orange County. Patients can access UCI Health at primary and specialty care offices across Orange County and at its main campus, UCI Medical Center in Orange, Calif. The 459-...
UCI Health is home to some of Orange County’s most highly trained and experienced orthopaedic surgeons, nurses, and therapists treating disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system under one roof.
加州大学欧文分校地处南加州,洛杉矶东南约50英里欧文市Orange County。加州大学欧文分校拥有完美的区块优势,优良的学习生活环境,且被誉为“南加州硅谷”的橙县大量高科技企业支持,因此就业机会也很多! 加州大学戴维斯分校 加州大学戴维斯分校是一所坐落于农场旁的学校,田园景致,安全恬静。学校地处中央山谷的中心,是个五万人...
UCI Health is the clinical enterprise of the University of California, Irvine, and the only academic health system based in Orange County. UCI Health is comprised of its main campus, UCI Medical Center, a 459-bed, acute care hospital in in Orange, Calif., four hospitals and affiliated physic...
加州大学欧文分校位于南加州,洛杉矶东南约50英里的欧文市Orange County。欧文市是一个集便利、安全、优美的环境于一体的城市。所以,加州大学欧文分校拥有完美的地理位置,极佳的学习生活环境,而且还有被誉为“南加州硅谷”的橙县的大量高科技企...
UCI Health is the clinical enterprise of the University of California, Irvine, and the only academic health system based in Orange County. UCI Health is comprised of its main campus, UCI Medical Center, a 459-bed, acute care hospital in in Orange, Calif.