Description Preview Data from a study of chronic kidney disease, including blood tests and other factors. This dataset is sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. 详细信息 发布程序 IBM 已修改 Aug 23, 2017 源
Package to easily import datasets from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository into scripts and notebooks. Current Version: 0.0.7 Installation In a Jupyter notebook, install with the command !pip3 install -U ucimlrepo Restart the kernel and import the moduleucimlrepo. ...
9、using datasets in thisrepository.The contents of this repository can be viewed and remotely copied overtheweb. Theaddressis/mlearn/MLRepository.html.Alternatively, the contents of this repository can be remotely copied viaftp to . Enter anonymous for user id, and 10、e-mail address(email=...
如何下载UCI数据集?1. 去百度搜索关键词“UCI数据集下载”2. 选择“UCI Machine Learning Repository: ...
UCI ML Repository 加州大学信息与计算机科学学院的另一个巨大的数据库,包含了100多个数据集。它根据机器学习问题的类型对数据集进行分类。您可以为单变量和多变量时间序列数据集、分类、回归或推荐系统找到数据集。UCI中的一些数据集已经被清理并准备好使用。
contains utilities that you may find useful when using datasets in this repository. The contents of this repository can be viewed and remotely copied over the web. The address is Alternatively, the contents of this repository can be remotely co...
《UCI数据集和源代码》 UCI数据集是一个常用的标准测试数据集,下载地址在 我的主页上也有整理好的一些UCI数据集(arff格式):
关于源代码,网上有很多公开源码的算法包,例如最为著名的Weka,MLC++等。Weka还在不断的更新其算法,下载地址: UCI收集的机器学习数据集\\MLRepository.htm ...
数据来源 欢迎大家关注我的微信公众号,未来上面会推送python机器学习算法学习深度学习论文阅读以及偶尔的小鸡汤等内容。ようこそいらっしゃい! 搜索coderwangson 关注 1.Abalone : Predict the age of abalone from physical measurements ...
This repository contains the collection of UCI (real-life) datasets and Synthetic (artificial) datasets (with cluster labels and MATLAB files) ready to use with clustering algorithms. clustering cluster dataset uci datasets uci-machine-learning synthetic-data benchmark-datasets cluster-labels synthetic-...