UCI Medical Center 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7890 Find a location Clinical trials Discover and enroll in clinical trials tailored to your health needs. Your participation can make a difference. Start exploring now. Find a clinical trial What's happening at UCI ...
The article reports about a manpower management strategy that the University of California, Irvine's Orange teaching hospital is expected to take. The hospital has not had a permanent leader since Ralph Cygan...
The power hitters behind UCI Health — Irvine Final beam placed into hospital portion of $1.3B UCI Health medical campus in Irvine – Los Angeles Times UCI Health Reaches Definitive Agreement to Acquire Four Southern California Hospitals From Tenet Healthcare Corporation 大家都在问的问题: 问题1: U...
Dr. Das spent his post-graduate training with a fellowship in New Zealand at Tauranga Hospital, where he was under the mentorship of Dr. Peter Gilling, the founder of the Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) technique. Dr. Das was one of the first surgeons to perform HoLEP...
University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland: Matthias Pfisterer, M.D. V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic Foundation:Robert Detrano, M.D., Ph.D. 展开更多 引用格式 复制 @misc{heart5633, title = { UCI 心脏病数据集 } author = { sosososo }, howpublished = { \url{https:/...
University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland: Matthias Pfisterer, M.D. V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Robert Detrano, M.D., Ph.D. Donor: David WDavid W 1. 简介 该数据库包含76个属性,但是所有已发布的实验都引用了其中14个属性的子集。特别是,克利夫兰数据库是 ...
总部位于加利福尼亚州奥兰治的UCI Health已经完成了对特尼特医疗保健公司太平洋海岸网络的收购,该网络包括四家SoCal医院和相关门诊设施。这项价值9.75亿美元的交易包括Fountain Valley Regional、Lakewood Regional Medical Center、Los Alamitos Medical Center和Placentia Linda Hospital,如3月26日UCI Health新闻稿所述,UCI...
Personally, it was very rewarding to know that even though we were not actually at the hospital, we were able to do something for the patients.” Sahra Kakwani, another Virtual Visitor, added, “In our nursing program, one thing that we learned can be very useful for both the nurses and...
Jones said it is not clear yet how long Schwartz will serve as the medical center’s interim director. Schwartz is a certified public accountant and former director of administration of the National Institutes of Health in Washington. Gonzalez, who lives in Santa Ana, was assistant hospital direc...
V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach, CA (long-beach-va.data) University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland (switzerland.data) 每个数据库都包含有76个属性,但是所有已发布的实验都只引用了其中14个属性的子集。特别是,克利夫兰数据库(cleveland.data)是迄今为止ML研究人员使用的唯一数据库。