(Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library)43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94)44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley)45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito)46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936)47. isolet (Ron Cole and Mark Fantys database donated by Tom 24、 Dietterich)...
42. (Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library) 43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94) 44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley) 45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito) 46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936) 47. isolet (Ron Cole and Mark Fanty's database donated by Tom Di...
42. (Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library) 43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94) 44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley) 45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito) 46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936) 47. isolet (Ron Cole and Mark Fanty's database donated by Tom Di...
41. horse colic database (Mary McLeish & Matt Cecile) 42. (Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library) 43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94) 44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley) 45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito) 46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936) 47. isolet...
heart-disease (Robert Detrano) 40. hepatitis (G. Gong) 41. horse colic database (Mary McLeish Matt Cecile) 42. (Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library) 43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94) 44. Image seg 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您可能关注的文档...
31.Census Income : Predict whether income exceeds $50K/yr based on census data. Also known as "Adult" dataset. 收入普查 DataSet :基于普查数据,预测收入是否超过 50000 美元/年。也被称为“成人”数据集。 32.Census-Income (KDD) : This data set contains weighted census data extracted from the ...
In this project, we use a bank marketing data set from UCI datasets for ML. This marketing of bank is based on phone. The bank staff usually contact a client at least once to find if he is able to buy their product. Thus, this is a classification problem for predicting whether the cl...
feature = data.columns.tolist() feature.remove('ID') feature.remove('y') sparse_feature = ['campaign', 'contact', 'default', 'education', 'housing', 'job', 'loan', 'marital', 'month', 'poutcome'] dense_feature = list(set(feature) - set(sparse_feature)) ...
3. Acute Inflammations: The data was created by a medical expert as a data set to test the expert system, which will perform the presumptive diagnosis of two diseases of the urinary system. 急性炎症DataSet:数据来源于一位医学专家的数据集,用以检测专家系统,可以推断出泌尿系统的两种疾病的诊断结果...
quality indicator (CQI), and/or the like. In some aspects, one or more components of UE120may be included in a housing. On the uplink, at UE120, a transmit processor264may receive and process data from a data source262and control information (e.g., for reports comprising RSRP, RSSI,...