设置DNS服务器地址:uci set network.lan.dns='',如果有多个DNS服务器,可以用空格隔开多个IP地址,例如:uci set network.lan.dns='' 保存修改后的配置:uci commit network 最后重启网络服务生效/etc/init.d/network reload 执行完以上步骤后,OpenWrt设备的LAN口将配置为静态IP地址192.168....
4、将内存uci参数保存如flash uci commit <config保存“路径+文件名”> 如:uci commit cwmp 5、将flash最新的config参数同步到内存 uci commit <config文件“路径+文件名”> 编辑于 2021-11-30 16:19 内容所属专栏 Openwrt的点点滴滴 做路由,总在此摸爬滚打 订阅专栏 ...
wifi down wifi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.作为sta模式连接到路由器 开启WIFI功能,MR10U刷OpenWrt默认没启用WIFI uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0 uci commit wireless wifi 创建wwan接口 uci set network.wwan=interface uci set network.wwan.proto=dhcp uci commit network 连接上级路由, uci...
uci add_list system.ntp.server='ntp.dongshao.net' uci commit system 1. 2. 3. 删除链表中的一个配置项。 uci del_list system.ntp.server='ntp.dongshao.net' uci commit system 1. 2. 3. 删除链表中的所有配置项。 uci delete system.ntp.server uci commit system 1. 2. 3. 十、自定义配置...
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid=[⾃⼰设置SSID] //设置⽆线SSID uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].network=lan //⽆线链接到lan上 uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key=[密码] //设置⽆线密码 uci commit //应⽤ /etc/init.d/network restart //重启⽹络服务 ...
你可以使用uci_commit命令来保存配置文件的变动: uci_commit /etc/config/network 上述命令将保存并应用对"network"配置文件的变动。 总结: 通过本文,我们详细介绍了使用"Linuxuci_add_section例子"来添加新的配置节。我们通过一步一步的演示,展示了如何安装UCI工具、理解UCI配置文件的结构、使用uci_add_section命令添...
BUG: config_load之后,调用uci delete或者uci set xxx.xxx.xxx='',再度掉用config_load,之后通过config_get读取出来的值将会出错,delete之后不使用commit 解决方法1:使用API函数config_unset或者config_set 解决方法2: config_clear() { local SECTION="$1" ...
Usage: uci [<options>] [<arguments>] Commands: batch export [<config>] import [<config>] changes [<config>] commit [<config>] add <config> add_list <config>..=<string> del_list <config>..=<string> show [<config>[.[.]]] get <config>.[.] set <config>.[.]=<value> dele...
uci set network.ppp2.password=$password uci set network.ppp2.apn=$apn uci set network.ppp2.auto=1uci set network.ppp2.device=/dev/ttyUSB3 uci commit ifup ppp2 uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0uci commit wireless wifi down&&wifi up...
I just upgraded to OpenWrt 19.07.0 and was restoring my configuration, and was surprised to see a "uci: Entry not found" in a script that had previously worked flawlessly. So I rebooted, and the first command I gave was uci commit and it...