记得在规定时间内接受你的offer哦,大一新生需要在指定日期前回复,并支付$250的押金。 2️⃣ 🔑激活UCInetID和UCI Applicant Portal 先激活UCInetID,然后登录UCI Applicant或Admitted Student Portal,确认你的录取状态。 3️⃣ 🛏️提交住宿申请 想要住在校内宿舍?那就在规定时间内提交住宿申请吧,及时提交还...
While considering applicants, the admissions officials at UC Irvine place a strong emphasis on an individual’s GPA, recognizing it as a pivotal academic metric that offers insights into an applicant’s scholastic prowess. Interestingly, unlike some institutions, the admissions team at UCI does not ...