DeepMind I3D in Kinetics dataset,需要Tensorflow 1.X+sonnet (deepmind 自己开发的,类似于Keras?),注意 Kinetics dataset 是一个室内视频数据集 DeepMind I3D in pytorch,需要Pytorch 0.3,里面将Tensorflow 在 Kinetics dataset 和 Imagenet dataset 上面训练的预训练文件(每个模型文件约50MB)转化为Pytorch的格式。含...
UCF-Crime Video Dataset Nomal Video와 13가지의 카테고리로 라벨링된 Anomaly Video로 구성되어 있다. Anomaly Detection Model weakly labeling 된 video data를 사용하고 3d Convolution(C3D, I3D, R3D)를...
Unofficial implemention of "Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos" CVPR2018 The feature extractor is here: we have released I3D features of UCF-Crime, which can be downloaded from:
UCF Crime 在AI界浑水摸鱼 8枚 CC0 计算机视觉 1 80 2024-04-03 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 train.json test.json train.json (0.05M) 下载反馈建议功能升级啦! •预置高频标签帮你快速锁定问题 •在线交流、邮件、电话,随你选择Hidden...