(6)官网链接:MSc Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation 5.MSc Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Medicine & Medical Research(和School of Medicine合办) (1)学制:1年 (2)22fall非欧盟学生学费:€24960 (3)本科专业背景要求:要求良好的计算机技能,基本的编程技能,以及扎实的统计和数学基础 (4)均分要...
生物分子与生物医学科学学院 school of biomolecular and biomedical science、化学学院 school of chemistry、计算机科学学院 school of computer science、地球科学学院 school of earth sciences、数学与统计学院 school of mathematics and statistics、物理学院 school...
生物分子与生物医学科学学院 school of biomolecular and biomedical science、化学学院 school of chemistry、计算机科学学院 school of computer science、地球科学学院 school of earth sciences、数学与统计学院 school of mathematics and statistics、物理学院 school of physics。
UCD School of Biology & Environmental Science UCD School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science UCD School of Chemistry UCD School of Computer Science UCD School of Earth Sciences UCD School of Mathematics & Statistics UCD School of Physics UCD College of Arts and Humanities UCD School of Art History...
法学院 (School of Law) 医学院 (School of Medicine) 兽医学院 (School of Veterinary Medicine) 护理学院 (Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing) 录取率:42% 平均学费:42396美金 录取要求:GPA3.3以上,雅思6.5分,托福100分,GMAT700分以上,GRE315以上 ...
four-year BSc in Social Sciences (CAO Code: DN700). The Social Science programme also provides the opportunity to take Economics as part of themed degrees such as Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE), Computational Social Science and Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. Seeherefor more ...
(Online)40 Mathematics (MSc) 42 Mathematics (MA)44 ComputerScience andInformatics AdvancedSoftware Engineering(MSc) Statistics (H.Diploma) MathematicalScience (MSc) ComputerScience(MSc) (NegotiatedLearning)70 ComputerScience(MSc) (Conversioncourse)72 46 56 74 3 w w w . u c d . i e / s c ...