品牌 ATEN宏正 商品毛重 90.00g 商品产地 中国大陆 转换器 USB转RJ45 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 类型 切换器 成都赛恩计算机网络技术有限公司电话...
ATEN UC485 可透過單一USB 連接埠立即連接RS-422 或RS-485 到您的電腦,是一款工業用的高品質轉接器。UC485不需外部電源供應,電源可經由連接的USB 提供。UC485 轉接器可利用單一USB 去轉換序列裝置並且即插即用,無需使用額外連接線或是安裝複雜裝置。並能夠連接RS-485或RS
Papouch UC485 RS232到RS485 422线转换器说明书 9/30/2016 w w w .p a p o u c h .c o m 0004 RS232 <> RS485/422 UC485 RS232 to RS485 or RS422 line converter with isolation
产品名称 UC100无线数传终端 通信协议 标准LoRaWAN ®协议,Milesight D2D 协议 工作频段 470~510MHz (多频段可选: IN865/RU864/EU868/US915/AU915/KR920/AS923-1&2&3&4) 供电方式 1. 直流供电(5-24V) 2. Type C 供电(5 VDC) 工作温度 -20°C ~60°C 防护等级 IP30 颜色 白色 尺寸...
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WZU-485E-MOD - Modbus Modul RS485 UH50,UC50 Preise anzeigen 1 Stück Reparatur & Austausch Seite1von 1 Seiten||1|| Alles zu WZU-485E-MOD - Modbus Modul RS485 UH50,UC50 Vor dem Kauf & erste Info Online-Katalog und -Bestellsystem ...
UC-346 Universal PCI providing four RS422/485 serial ports with transient spike protection. Data transfer rates up to 921,600 baud rates and the 128 byte deep transmit and 128 byte receive FIFOS, coupled with 1Mbit/s line drivers deliver uncompromising performance on your PC.Includes drivers ...
WZU-485E-BAC - BACnet module RS485 UH50,UC50 WZU-ANT-MAG - magnetic foot antenna 868 MHz WZU-ANT-Wall - antenna wall mount 868 MHz WZU-LR - Radio module LR UH50,UC50 WZU-LR-EXT - Radio module LR-EXT UH50,UC50 WZU-MB - M-bus module for heat and heat/cooling energy meters,...
5. Language proficiencyApplicants should hold an HSK (Level 5) certificate (with 180 points or above). Those who apply for a bachelor's degree in Chinese Language should obtain an HSK (Level 4) certificate (with 180 points or above). Applicants who have completed their last degree with ...