Figure1.SimplifiedBlockDiagram UMRATINGS RatingSymbolValueUnit BiasandDriverVoltages(ZeroSeriesImpedance,seealsoTotalDevicespec)VCC,VC30V TotalPowerSupplyandZenerCurrent(ICC+IZ)30mA OutputCurrent,SourceorSink(Note1)IO1.0A OutputEnergy(CapacitiveLoadperCycle)W5.0J CurrenseandVoltageFeedbackInputsVin−0.3to...
power - and I traced the cause to a mechanical problem causing a short. Based on the data sheet I have tried numerous values but, whilst it is trying to oscillate, it is only 'hunting' and pulsing. I have traced the circuit diagram for the switching section of the...
关键词:UC3842;开关电源;输入过压保护电路中图分类号:’I'G232.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—8365(2005)10—0876—03StudyoftheInputOver-voltageProtectionCircuitBasedonUC3842I。IUShu—lin.ZHONGJiu-ming,I.IUJian,WEII.i、(Xi’anUniversityofScience&Technology.Xi’an710054.China)Abstract:Switchingpower...
UNDER-VOLTAGE LOCKOUT (UVLO) This circuit insures that VCC is adequate to make the UC3842 fully operational before enabling the output 3/16 APPLICATION NOTE Figure 5 : (a) Under-voltage Lockout and (b) Supply Current Requirements. (a) (b) Figure 6 : Providing Power to the UC3842. ...
由UC3843为核心构成的CUK DCDC降压电路的完整图如下第五章 PCB设计与焊接According to the block diagram of the previous chapter, the design was implemented the construction of the power supply input and the adjustable regulator then the CUK converter circuit. These were te 60、sted first on the ...
由 UC3843 为核心构成的 CUK DC-DC 降压电路的完整图如下 第五章 PCB设计与焊接 According to the block diagram of the previous chapter, the design was implemented the construction of the power supply input and the adjustable regulator then the CUK converter circuit. These were tested first on the...
The minimum primary turns for a forward converter limited by 50% duty cycle is given by: Np w VIN(min) 108 2DB max Aefs (11) The auxiliary winding provides power to the CS3842A when the IC is in operation. The two zener diodes on the auxiliary supply circuit clamp the voltage on ...
During Under-Voltage Lockout, the output driver is to preventactivating the powerswitch with extrane- biased to sink minor amounts of current. Pin 6 ous leakage currents. should be shuntedto groundwith a bleederresistor Figure 3 : Current SenseCircuit . Peak current (is) is determined by ...
图1 开关稳压电源基本组成原理框图 Fig.1 Block diagram of switching power supply 2.2 开关稳压电路设计 电源电路主要由低通滤波电路 、 整流滤波 、 脉宽 调制 、 反馈 、 保护单元电路等几部分组成 [12 - 14]。图 2 为采用 UC3842 为核心设计的高频单端反激式开关 电源电路的系统原理图 。 该电路输入...
PowerDissipationCurve ThermalData PinArray Parameter Symbol Value Unit SupplyVoltage VCC 30 V OutputCurrent IO ±1 A AnalogInputs(Pin2.3) V(ANA) -0.3to6.3 V ErrorAmpOutputSinkCurrent ISINK(E.A) 10 mA PowerDissipationatTA≤25°C(8DIP)