UC Santa Cruz UC San Diego You'll next select your major.If you're applying to multiple UC schools, you'll need to do this separately for each school since they all have slightly different majors.Some schools also offer the option of selecting an "alternate major" which is your second ch...
大二下( 6月-7月):提交正式成绩单 & 其他材料 7月1日前向UC提交你就读过的所有社区大学的official transcript,IGETC证书(部分UC还需要高中成绩单),另外所有其他文件和考试成绩(如官方AP/IB考试成绩)必须在7/15前提交给UC。 国际生还需要transfer I-20。 发布于 2023-08-18 14:01 赞同3添加评论...
7月1号之前UC学校需要收到学生所就读CC Official Transcript,IGETC Certification高中成绩单以及transfer I...
4. Set upyour UC San DiegoEmailandDUO Two-Step Login - can be done concurrently while you enroll in classes in Step 5 Please allow 24 to 48 hours for this step to become available. Inthe meantime, please proceed to Step 5 for enrollment. Access to UC San Diego systems requires verifying...
其实就是每年转学生最多的那几所拉。这些数据你可以通过transfer by major 查看。Transfers by major...