UC-San Diego to get new business grad schoolCharlie Tran
Grupo de Trabajo de Planificación, Organización y Gestión: José Carlos Igeño Cano (Hospital San Juan de Dios, Córdoba); M. Cruz Martín (Hospital Universitario de Torrejón); Josep Trenado (Hospital Universitario Mutua Terrassa); María Riera Sagrera (Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma...
least risky solution," says Yue Qin, a second year Ph.D. student in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology program at UC San Diego, and whose group won the challenge. "But because we had several groups all working on the same problem, we could take creative risks and...
UC San Diego grad student scrambling to avoid deportationBy Stephen CeasarLos Angeles Times
Redlands East Valley Grad Alexis Wieseler Named Player of the Week at UC San DiegoCastro, Ed