加州大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside)UCR 进入UC之后,当中国的朋友问起你在哪里时...
C:UCR 坐落于“内陆帝国”(编:昂☺?)Inland Empire, 简称I.E.。是南加的一个大都会区,其...
五、掌握一定的转学策略 多和Academic Advisor沟通: 社区大学都有专业的学术顾问,专门负责帮学生设计课程安排,确保转学路径顺利。他们可是你的“转学导师”,记得定期预约、沟通,避免选错课程耽误转学进度。 参与校园活动和实习: 虽然社区大学更灵活,但不要浪费时间。多参与校内外的活动和实习,不仅丰富你的履历,还能增加...
Located in Riverside, California, UCPath is the transactional hub for human resources payroll and benefits across the entire University of California system, supporting its more than 230,000 employees – including some of the greatest minds in the world. UCPath is part of the University of Califor...
X:我认识的部分国际生有第一个学期就在学校的各个岗位工作了,有在电话中心(Calling Center)给校友打电话要捐款的,有在食堂端盘子的,到了大二大三更是有做Peer Academic Advisor的,在写作中心(Writing Center)做辅导的,给计算机课或者数学课做Reader/Grader的。这些都是给工资或者给学分的工作,也对将来申实习、申...
sessions at the ASU California Center at the HerEx building, developed by co-owner Georgetown Co., on 11th and Broadway. Maria Anguiano, a current UC regent who formerly worked at UC Riverside and the UC Office of the President, is running the initiative as an ASU executive vice president...
UC IPM Advisor, Siavash Taravati worked with the California School for the Deaf in Riverside when fire ant mounds were found distributed around the grounds and play fields, causing great concern for the children present. Maintenance staff were not having good success managing the ants with tradit...
(University of California,Riverside)国际大一项目 世界上最强的公立大学系统 加州大学系统(University ...
Brenda Martinez,奥运健儿 在2013年莫斯科世界田径锦标赛上获得了800米银牌,成为了第一位在该项赛事上...
如果是现在入学,四年之后等你毕业的时候排名估计能追上UC Riverside了吧。学术排名基本上差不多,这是...