The University of California is one of the best (and most affordable) schools in the country, and it’s no surprise that they receive hundreds of thousands of applications every year. Therefore, writing the University of California essay prompts, also known as the Personal Insight Questions, req...
This PIQcould have worked for a variety of prompts: He certainly demonstratesleadershipby supporting his family, so he could’ve used it for the UC 1. Alternately, he could have also emphasized thecreativityhe developed while on the job (see: UC 2). Or maybe he could have described a “...
5. 请确保PIQ回答的每个主题与至少一个活动列表中的活动相关——避免文章话题含糊不清。 6. 请确保每个PIQ的主题都能够与综合审查的13个评估要素至少有一个连接点。 在下一篇文中将会对每道PIQ进行拆解、勾勒回答,并附带例子及解析。 10、Reference: 【竞...
This essay is similar to the “educational barrier” option above. However, this PIQ gives you a bit more freedom to discuss any challenge, even if it’s not directly related to education. Remember, you’ll still need to explain how this challenge impacted you academically. Start by describin...
什么是加州大学个人洞察力问题Personal Insight Question (PIQ) Prompts? 首先,加州大学将这些申请文书问题称为 "个人洞察力问题"(Personal Insight Question,PIQ),而不是 "个人陈述"。这提示着我们PIQ问题与平时在课堂中创作的论文非常不同,应该与通常的大学个人陈述(Personal Statement)做区别对待。学生将选择4个题目...