2. Why master:要讲清楚你的学术或职业经历为何把你引领到了要申请金融硕士。 3. Why program:这是基于你的行业洞察制定出了有逻辑的未来职业目标,并且清晰地串起MSF这个学习的价值和意义。 4. Career goal:要有详细的长短期职业目标,也是在考察...
University of California, Irvine BA in Art 艺术 Dance 舞蹈 Drama 戏剧 Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) 音乐 Bachelor of Music in Performance (BMus) 音乐表演 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering ...
录取:罗切斯特大学,MS in Finance 2 恭喜L同学获得乔治城大学整合营销传播硕士录取! 毕达学子:L同学 本科学校:华北电力大学+UIUC 申请条件:免托福,无GMAT; 录取:乔治城大学,Master of Professional Studies in Integrated Marketing Communications 3 恭喜H同学获得加州大学欧文分校会计硕士录取! 毕达学子:H同学 本科学校:...
在UC Irvine,计算机的master项目可以选择course还是thesis,但是无论哪个项目都可以申请TA(助教),通过做TA不仅可以免学费,还可以获得每个月2000美元的资助。而生物医学工程,只能选择thesis based项目。但是有一种特殊的master项目叫MS/PhD项目,在读master期间可以直接转成PhD。 其实我出国的经历比较仓促。我本打算保研,但...
录取:罗切斯特大学,MS in Finance 2 恭喜L同学获得乔治城大学整合营销传播硕士录取! 毕达学子:L同学 本科学校:华北电力大学+UIUC 申请条件:免托福,无GMAT; 录取:乔治城大学,Master of Professional Studies in Integrated Marketing Communications 3 恭喜H同学获得加州大学欧文分校会计硕士录取!
UCI数学系的研究生学位提供了Master of Science in Mathematics and Ph.D in Mathematics的研究生和博士学位。研究生课程旨在满足在数学及相关领域从事研究生工作的学生的需求。研究的活跃领域包括实物分析,复杂分析,代数,功能分析,几何,拓扑,概率和统计,常微分方程,偏微分方程,数学逻辑以及计算和应用数学。除了正式的课...
Reports on the plans of the University of California, Irvine for its Eye Institute in Irvine, California. Worth of the fund-raising campaign of the school to build the Eye Institute; Move of the school to persuade businesses that develop devices or drugs to treat eyes; Services offered by th...
Masters in Finance, Michigan Ross, MIT Sloan, Northwestern Kellogg, Notre Dame Mendoza, NYU Stern, Pace University, Purdue Krannert, researching mba programs, Rice Jones, Rochester Simon, Rutgers Business School, Stanford GSB, STEM MBA, UC Berkeley Haas, UC Davis, UC Irvine School of Business,...
Are you interested in transferring to one of the premier UCs? A question I often… 20 Steps to Follow After Getting Into a UC Congratulations on your admittance to the University of California as a transfer student! Whether your destination is Berkeley, Davis, Irvine,… ...
Irvine. Appointed by President George W. Bush, Duong served from 2001 to 2003 as the Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) and concurrently as Executive Director of The President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The...