University of California, Irvine加州大学尔湾分校4 枚U.S. News #33美国综合性大学排名第33The University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine or UCI) is a public research university and a member of the University of California system.- According to Forbes, it ranks third in the ‘Best Value’ cat...
Once the offer of admission is accepted, you must send final, official transcripts and test scores to the campus you plan to attend. Transcripts must be postmarked by July 1st, and test scores must be received by July 5th. Conclusion: UC Acceptance Rate & Admissions ...
其中,这个“Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)”更是“确保”学生一定能够转学入读UC系的6个学校中的1个(Nothing feels better than getting a guaranteed place at UC. Which is exactly what TAG offers, at any one of six UC campuses)。然而,实际情况是:并不是在CC念书且GPA达到了一并的分数值,就...
其中,这个“Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)”更是“确保”学生一定能够转学入读UC系的6个学校中的1个(Nothing feels better than getting a guaranteed place at UC. Which is exactly what TAG offers, at any one of six UC campuses)。 然而,实际情况是:并不是在CC念书且GPA达到了一并的分数值,就能...
UC Irvine (7th) UC Santa Barbara (15th) UC Santa Cruz (18th)The UC system also offers a wide range of majors, extracurriculars, and resources. Students enjoy access to museums, art galleries, concert halls, observatories, and even botanical gardens, all without having to leave campus.It...
"TAG" 是 "Transfer Admission Guarantee" 的缩写,中文可翻译为“转学录取保障”。这是一项协议,旨在确保符合特定条件的社区大学学生在转学时能够顺利被接受到与其签署了TAG协议的四年制大学。以下是签署了TAG协议的加州大学分校:UC Davis,UC Irvine,UC Merced,UC Riverside,UC Santa Barbara,UC Santa Cruz。加州大...
"TAG" 是 "Transfer Admission Guarantee" 的缩写,中文可翻译为“转学录取保障”。这是一项协议,旨在确保符合特定条件的社区大学学生在转学时能够顺利被接受到与其签署了TAG协议的四年制大学。以下是签署了TAG协议的加州大学分校:UC Davis,UC Irvine,UC Merced,UC ...
San Diego State University: Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics UC Santa Cruz: Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics UC Davis: Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics UC Merced: Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics UC Irvine: Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics UC Riverside:...
加州社区大学跟加州大学还签有转学TAG协议,参予TAG协议的学校如下:UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, ...
4月的第一个星期,加州大学欧文分校(UC Irvine)本科转学(Transfer)放榜。 众所周知,加州大学系统(University of California, UC)的转学录取有“地方保护主义”。即UC在本科转学录取过程中更倾向于录取加州学生和加州社区学院的学生。 这是因为UC系统是一个由加州州立法支持的公立大学系统,其使命之一是为加州居民提供...